拜日式练习 – 10 分钟注入一天的能量 by Yun Yoga 芸瑜伽博客 Position 1: Pranamasana (prayer pose)Om Mitraya NamahaSalutations to the friend of all.向所有的朋友们致敬 Position 2: Hasta Utthanasana (raised arms pose)Om Ravaye NamahaSalutations to the shining one.向光辉致敬 Position 3: Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)Om Suryaya NamahaSalutations to he who induces activity.向给我们行动的人致敬 Position 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (equestrian pose)Om Bhanave NamahaSalutations to he who illumines.向照亮他的人致意 Position 5: Parvatasana (mountain pose)Om Khagaya NamahaSalutations to he who moves quickly in the sky.向在天空中快速移动的你致敬 Position 6: Ashtanga Namaskara (salute with eight parts or points)Om Pushne NamahaSalutations to the giver of strength.向力量的赐予者致敬 Position 7: Bhujangasana (cobra pose)Om Hiranya Garbhaya NamahaSalutations to the golden, cosmic self.向金色的宇宙自我致敬 Position 8: Parvatasana (mountain pose)Om Marichaye NamahaSalutations to the Lord of the Dawn.向黎明之主致敬 Position 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (equestrian pose)Om Adityaya NamahaSalutations to the son of Aditi, the cosmic Mother.向宇宙母亲阿迪蒂(Aditi)的儿子致意 Position 10: Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)Om Savitre NamahaSalutations to the Lord of Creation.向创造之主致敬。 Position 11: Hasta Utthanasana (raised arms pose)Om Arkaya NamahaSalutations to he who is fit to be praised.向称赞他的人致意 Position 12: Pranamasana (prayer pose)Om Bhaskaraya NamahaSalutations to he who leads to enlightenment.向启蒙引导的人致意